I hate resolutions!!! I always break them about two weeks in and then feel crappy! This year instead of resolution making, I am going to try and accomplish 12 goals. Kind of like resolutions, but without the long word and added pressure!
1. Make my marriage more of a priority. Sometimes being a mom and all that comes with it (cooking, cleaning, working, etc) doesn't leave much time for my relationship with Morgan. I want to make him a priority and really show him how much I love and appreciate him! More date nights are definitely needed!
2. Make more time for the Lord. Church has been on a back burner and I am really missing it. I haven't been so fulfilled with my current church, so in the next few months I want to try out other churches to try and find a better fit for our family. I need to make God more of a priority too because without him I am lost.
3. Find a part time job! I am ready to get out and be more than just a mommy! I'm not quite ready to jump back into full time, but part time would do us both good. I hate saying this and it sounds so mean, but I really need to "miss" Tanner. I don't feel like I am an effective mom right now and long for just a little more in life.
4. I want to try and cook one NEW meal a month. Pintrest is amazing and will help a lot with this. Sometimes I feel like we are in a rut when it comes to dinner ideas. I am sick of spaghetti! Hopefully I can add some spice into dinner haha!
5. I really need to get back to the gym. Working out at home is hit or miss depending on when Tanner decides to nap for longer than 20 min, so I think the gym is the only way I will get a quality workout in, at least until it warms up and Tan and I can start running again!
6. I want to travel to Chicago to get my TAC procedure done by Dr. Haney hopefully this summer sometime. I am scared, but this surgery gives me hope of having healthy, full term babies in the future. If everything goes as planned we would like to start "trying" for baby number two next Fall!!!!
7. I really want to work on potty training when Tanner turns two. My hubby and I have a deal that we can start trying for baby number 2 after Tan Man is potty trained and after the TAC. Two kiddos in diapers would break the already broke bank!
8. I want to spend more quality time with my grandparents. Morgan and I both recently lost two of our grandparents and I really want to spend as much time and show the living ones that I have, that I love and appreciate them.
9. I want to learn to sew! I am asking for a sewing machine for Mother's Day and I really want to start being more crafty!
10. Blogging more consistently! I don't know that I'll blog every day, but would like to do more than two posts a month like I've been doing lately!
11. Finally finish Tanner's first year in my scrapbook!!! Poor kid is going to be 20 by the time his first year is done at the rate I'm going!
12. Be the best mommy I can be. I want Tanner to know how much I love him and how blessed I am that I was chosen to be his mommy! He is the best thing that has ever happened to me and he deserves me at my best!!!
Hopefully I can accomplish all of these goals! I am going to try my best! Here's to a great 2012!!!
I think those are great goals and I am sure you will accomplish each and every one!! You are already doing an amazing job as it is. And...if you need any sewing advice you can always ask me (not that I'm an expert, but still!)