Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Small Victories and One Huge FAIL!

I've been doing really good with my New Year's goal of working out on a more consistent basis.  Not quite seeing the results yet, but am very motivated.  I am, however, getting a little tired of Jillian yelling at me and the weather is so hit or miss with being nice and then the next day freezing so I decided to head back to the gym. This time I had my little handsome man in tow.  It would be his first time ever in daycare and I thought he might cry, but I never expected to be called and walk in to see a boogerlicious, hyperventilating, mess of a kid! My heart broke!  The ladies were so sweet and told me this is common and to come in everyday for a week and it should get better.  I know it probably will, but is traumatizing my kid worth looking good at the pool this summer. . . actually yes (okay I know I sound like an awful mommy right now), but I really, really want this and want to FIT in it!

But the logical side of me says daycare may not be the answer. I guess I will have to be a little more creative with getting active. Maybe gym after daddy gets home, or very early in the morning before daddy goes to work (yuck).  I guess for today I will stick to verbally assaulting Jillian and pray it warms up soon so our long runs can resume!
My running buddy! 

As for my very small victory. . .  Tanner is napping in his crib as I type!!! He hasn't even sat in the thing for months!!! After a HUGE scare last night (as in Tanner falling off our bed straight on his head) we decided it's time for his eviction notice from our room.  We are going to start with naps and hopefully with some divine intervention this will lead to night time in his room too!

1 comment:

  1. I wish I looked as hot as the bathing suit girl. I know you will this summer! Also, wow. And heartbreaking about the gym! He was wondering where the H did you go???? Plus...kuddos to the crib. And now all of us have had our child fall off the bed and onto their head! :o)
