Monday, January 23, 2012


My son has begun the stage or phase (please God let this be a phase) of defiance! He is so stubborn and strong willed. My patience each day is wearing thin and I am pretty sure that if he went to time out for everything he did the kid would live in the corner! Funny thing is that I was reading a friends blog and her son (also born on July 27th) is doing the same thing. Birthday coincidence, probably not, but more than likely just part of being 18 months old. It seems like Tanner looks for my reactions to his naughtiness, so I have been trying to keep a straight face. NOT WORKING!  I really try to pick my battles and really only get tough on him when he is doing something that could kill him. Still not working. He looks at me, I try to correct behavior, he looks at me again but this time with a smirk, and then continues doing what I just told him to stop doing! God really did make babies cute for a reason.

See what I mean! He is lucky he's so cute!

Here are some examples of our day to day lately:

Exhibit A: Tanner please stop pulling Lulu's tail. Look, smirk, pulls again! Lather, rinse, repeat. Second time equals time out. He usually stays, but stares at me with that smirk! Hard to keep the stone face!

Exhibit B: Please don't climb on the couch and try to run back and forth across it. I take him down and he climbs right back up!!! ARG!

Exhibit C: While at car rental place my son decides to grab key and try to shove it in electrical outlet (now he knows that those are "hot" and he can't touch, but the show off wanted to get reaction from the guys in the office). Time out for Tanner and no more keys, but then the tantrum ensues!!

There are so many more instances, but I am tired! I don't want to be the constant nagging mom, but I also want a child to listen to me! From what I've read and from talking to my mommy friends, this behavior is pretty normal and they will eventually grow out of it, but I feel like a bad mom and like his behavior is a result of bad parenting! I know I am a good mom and I am doing my best, but I really wish kids came with a manual pertaining to just them!

Now this may sound complainy, but believe me we have way more good days than bad. Even the hard days are days that I thank God for! I love being a mommy more than anything in the world and am so blessed to have the most amazing, funny, adorable kid, defiant and all!

Mr. Defiance himself!  

1 comment:

  1. Audrey rides on the dogs too!! You are an amazing mom...Tanner is just testing the waters.
