Life is precious and no one knows when they will be called back home. Just Wednesday afternoon I met my uncle on the road. He was driving his Mercedes top down with the biggest smile on his face. We waved and I didn't think much more of it. I didn't realize that that moment would be my last memory of him. Last night we got a call saying he had passed. We all rushed to his house where police and OMI were still investigating. The family sat around and we cried, remembered stories, and cried some more. It is still unreal that this is really happening. It was determined that he probably had a heart attack and went in his sleep. Typing those words just made it real. I was hoping I would just wake up from this nightmare. I feel so guilty for not being as close as I once was. I respected him and loved him, but I wish I would have shown him more. I know in my heart he is in a better place. He is with my Mema (who loved him so much). I just pray that Heaven has Harley's and open roads and maybe a Casino or two.
Going through this has shown me how precious life is. It has taught me to never take one second for granted. Those little moments you don't think much about can actually be the moments you will never forget. I am glad the last memory I have of my Uncle was seeing him grinning ear to ear. I miss him and always will. I just pray for strength for my family at this difficult time. I pray that they will come together. I also pray for his daughter. I couldn't imagine losing a parent and I pray that she gets through this the best she can. God give us strength and take care of those no longer with us.
Breaks my heart. I am hopeful that he went peacefully and is at a place of rest. Truly the only ones who suffer are those left behind. Be strong for your family. They need you. X0X0