Thursday, November 22, 2012

What I'm Thankful For. . .

Today is Thanksgiving! It will be a day filled with family and delicious food. It is also a day to reflect on what you are thankful for. Today I am thankful for my enormous family and for the fact that I get to be a part of three, yes three different Thanksgiving day parties. Sometimes it is overwhelming trying to fit everything and everyone in one day, but knowing that I have so many people who love us and just want to be with us makes me feel so good. I am thankful to have this Thanksgiving with my Pampa and although it will be sad because there will now be one more empty seat at the table, it is a time for us to come together and remember my Mema and my Uncle Donnie and how he was cracking jokes and was so happy just last year.

I am thankful for my parents and in-laws. I can never thank them enough for all they do for us, whether it be making our favorite dinners, to showing up with a box of diapers when it is needed the most. Most of all I am thankful that they love Tanner so much! My son is so lucky to have three sets of grandparents and an uncle and an auntie who would do anything in the world for him! Watching him and seeing how much he loves them melts my heart.

This year I am also so thankful to Dr. Arthur Haney who gave me hope that having another (healthy) baby is actually a possibility! This man is so kind and understanding and has helped thousands of women all over the world bring healthy babies home. He keeps in contact and is always just an email away. I wish there were more doctors like this out there. I am also so thankful for all of my "Abbysisters" the woman I have met from all over the country who have lost precious babies, or came close to it because of our condition. These woman are a network of support and love and I cherish having these woman (even though I've never met most of them) in my life.

I'm thankful for my home. It may not be the newest or prettiest house in the world, but it's home and I love it! It is filled with love and laughter and three naughty dogs who I love with all of my heart (most of the time).

And finally, I am MOST thankful for my husband and son.  Morgan is an amazing friend and partner. I am so thankful for the fact that he works SO hard in order to give me the ability to stay home with Tanner. It was my dream to be a stay at home mom and Morgan made that dream and so many others come true. Tanner is my biggest blessing! I didn't know it was possible to love someone else so much! He is the absolute BEST thing that I have and will ever do.

I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving filled with love and lots and lots of food!!

I may not be thankful for the weight I might gain today, but oh well. . .

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Catching Up

It has been quite a while since I've sat down to write an entry. Life with a two year old is busy!!! When he naps I take the opportunity to blog,clean or get a workout in. Lately, the workout has won presedence mainly because no matter how much I clean, the house is a disaster site withing ten minutes of Tanner being awake!! I am working really hard to get in the best shape possible before getting pregnant with number 2!  We have decided to start trying and I am so paranoid because of how my pregnancy went last time, that I just want to do everything in my power to try and have a healthy full termer! I am not loving the workouts, but I know they will pay off eventually.

We have had a very busy fall thus far. Halloween came and my son LOVED it! It didn't take him long to catch on to the whole trick or treating thing, except now everytime we drive up to my inlaws he points to the house and says "twic o tweet peas".  He had a blast this year watching his very talented Auntie and her friend Jen carve amazing pumpkins. Of course Morgan had to do his annual flaming pumpkin and everyone in the neighborhood loved it!

Tanner was the cutest little scarecrow around and his cousin Gemma was the prettiest Cinderella I have ever seen. Those two are wild together, but it is so much fun watching them interact. Grandma's gonna have her hands full with these two!!!

Double trouble, but hey at least they are cute!

Tanner has fallen in love with going to the park, which is great, but the kid loves to go on the biggest slide and nearly gives me a heart attack everytime we are there. On election day my friend Sarah had the day off so we took the kiddos to a really neat park by our houses. The kiddos had so much fun and get along so well. Tanner decided he didn't like me and only let Sarah push him on the swing, which was fine cause I got to hang out with Audrey who is like an angel compared to my wild child! 

Young love!
 Potty training has had it's ups and downs lately. Tanner started out doing really well, but has become very stubborn about going. He will pee everytime I take him to the potty, but if I'm not reminding him he wets himself. I would say he goes about 50% of the time in the potty, but poop is another issue. My kid could care less if he is sitting in a poopy diaper. I sometimes think he might actually prefer it! We will keep working on it and so many people have told me that when they are ready it will happen fast. I am hoping they are right!
Next up is Thanksgiving and spending time with all of our family. We are so blessed to have such a big family and I can't wait to see everyone and eat some delicious food!!!

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Another Year in the Books

Today marks three years of marriage for Morgan and I. Three years of laughter, tears, smiles, grouchiness (mostly on my part), decisions, and most of all lots of memories! The last three years have not been all rainbows and butterflies, but I can honestly say that I married an amazing man. He is so kind and will do anything for his family. I am one lucky girl and I am so blessed with the life I have.

To celebrate our three whole years, we dropped the little man off with Papa and Mama and headed out for a nice quiet dinner. I haven't had sushi since Morgan broke it to me that those orange things weren't really finely chopped carrots! I decided to be brave and try it once again. I really loved it in the past, but my mind kept getting in the way of trying it again. We headed over to a little resturant named Ichiban. We ordered a few different rolls (my fav was the shrimp tempura roll, minus the eggs) and the New Mexico roll (basically a chili relleno wrapped in seaweed). I am chopstick incompetent and the waitress took forever to bring a fork so I decided to be all kinds of classy and just use my hands, reminding my husband that he married me for better or worse! 

kind of dark, but it's a beautiful coral color
We finished off our evening by stopping by Bootbarn to look at boots for our little man. We are doing family pics in a couple of weeks and I want Tanner to match his daddy. While we were there I found the necklace I have been looking for for months! My hubby made my day by getting it for me and I cannot wait to wear it for our pictures. It is so pretty and just perfect.

And we found Tanner the perfect boots, but needed the booger there to try them on! Guess we will make another trip this weekend.

I am so blessed and thankful that I found a partner and a best friend! We may not always like each other, but I will always love this man with my whole heart! Here's to many more years and lots of memories! 

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Long Time, No Blog. . .

It feels like forever since I have written a blog entry. We have been so busy lately and the terrible two's are in full force around here. Any chance I have to myself I use to decompress in the tub or with some mind numbing form of reality tv. To say I am exhausted in an understatement! The last few weeks have been filled with laughter, adventure, some tears (mostly from Tan, but some from me because of Tan), firsts, visits from great old friends and wedded bliss! I love this time of year and try to get out as much as possible before the cold weather comes. You are about to be photo bombed with some of the things that have kept us so busy the last few weeks! Enjoy!


We started off October with the Balloon Fiesta! My dad was able to get tickets from work this year and we got the VIP treatment. Free food, great parking, and free admission. Morgan couldn't make it this year, so I went with my parents, Tanner, and my Grandma aka "Mama Nene".  We had such a great time and I was so happy to have been able to share it with my grandma and my sweet little boy.
We also got to visit with one of my great friends from college, her husband and two adorable kiddos. I have missed Erin so much and seeing her made me wish she didn't live so far away. Tanner and her son Cameron got along so good and her beautiful daughter Evie, made the baby fever I've been suffering from hit an all time high!!  I wish I would've gotten pictures of all the kiddos together!

Tanner and I have been hitting up "Toddler Time" at the Corrales Library. I am trying to get him around more kids his age and this has been really fun for both of us! He has met some new friends and I have met some new mommy friends as well! We both really look forward to Wednesday mornings! Oh, and Tanner has totally grasped the concept of checking out books! He thinks it's the coolest thing ever to get new books every week!

Every year since Tanner has been born we have gone to a local pumpkin patch. It's great because it's free and money goes to a great cause. We have taken a family picture there every year so I am so excited to do one this year. Getting daddy there is the issue. The man works so hard at work and when he comes home there is always a project waiting (my honey do list of pintrest projects is getting out of hand, but he is such a good sport).  We made it to the patch this year with my mother in law, sis in law, and my niece Gemma.  The kiddos had a blast and my inlaws were in pumpkin heaven!!

Since the weather has been so nice lately, we have been going out as much as possible. Every week we meet up with my sister in law and Gemma to feed the ducks at Tingly Beach. It's not really a beach, mostly fishing ponds, but it is a lot of fun. There are tons of ducks and geese that scare the living crap out of me! Last week Gemma was not feeling it so they had to leave, but Tan and I decided to head over to the aquarium and botanical gardens. It was really nice spending time with him just the two of us. We looked at fish (aka "tish" and "sharps" sharks) and then went for a walk looking at all of the plants. It is kind of sad when all the flowers stop blooming and the trees begin to lose their leaves, but makes for good conversation about what colors things are. We had a great time together and I am hoping to take him a few more times before everything dies.

They have already started setting up for the river of lights
and this was Tanner's favorite!

Finally for our "first". . . Tanner caught his first fish!!!! Morgan decided he and Tan needed a boys day and headed down to the river for some catfishing.  I was more than happy for that boys day because my mommy and I needed a shopping day desperately!!  I got a call from Morgan saying I better get ready cause we were having catfish for dinner (yuck)!   Tanner was so proud of his fish that they had to keep because it swallowed the hook.  He was a little freaked out with the "whiskers", but still talks about his fish from the agua!
Tan and I have also been trying to get our butts in gear and run everyday. We usually run at a park, but going in a circle has gotten a bit boring. We decided to head down to the bosque and on Monday we were joined by my aunt. She doesn't run so we walked, VERY fast! That lady kicked my butt! I don't know why walking fast is so much harder for me than running, but it is!!! It was so beautiful on our walk and with a view like the one below, how can you not smile!

And FINALLY, last weekend we got to see my cousin marry her Prince Charming!!! It was such a fun, laid back wedding! She looked amazing and was the happiest I have ever seen her! The food was delicious and my little ladies man was in heaven with all the little girls to flirt with!!
He likes them older!

The music was great and they played almost all of Tan's favorites! The boy danced non stop!! He was so excited to dance with the bride! 

When we had to leave he threw the biggest, laying on the ground kicking and screaming fit!!! He hadn't napped all day and had eaten way too much cake and giving a two year old seven up was the dumbest idea I have had in a long time!  The ride home was NOT fun and neither was the "I'm never going to sleep again" rest of the night we had! He was on a sugar detox all of Sunday!!

Our weeks have been crazy busy, but oh so much fun! I am really loving this age (minus the tantrums and the mindset of my way or the highway). We are trying to figure the whole terrible two's out, but from what I've seen it could be worse and I am pretty lucky with the kiddo I have.

I love spending my days with this little cutie! I cannot wait to see what adventures and fun we will have the rest of the month! I am so excited for the next couple of weeks! Halloween and our Anniversary. I cannot believe October is almost over! Where has the time gone?

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Mom's Night Out: Birthday Edition

Last Saturday, I was surprised with an awesome night out with some great friends to celebrate my turning another year older! They had mentioned to be ready at five and to wear a dress and heels, but that was all I was told. I panicked, hoping that the dress I had in mind (pre Tanner) still fit.  Thanks to Spanx and lots of running a few days prior, it fit!!! Sarah and Brittany picked me up and made the trek to the other side of town. To my surprise we ended up at Saint Clair Winery!  I had been wanting to try this place for so long! Now, I am not really a wine drinker, but I want to be so I was excited to try something new! Kim joined us there and it was so nice to see these ladies in a different setting. Like an eat with two hands, no breaking up brawls, and being able to talk freely without little ears around! Kim was great at explaining wines and helped me pick the perfect one! Dinner was amazing, but the company was even better!

After dinner Brittany, Sarah, and I headed over to the Que Bar. It was definitely an experience and  Brittany's words "Man our girls nights are getting lame" pretty much summed up our time at the bar! Sadly her words were true! This bar seemed to be for the older crowd that think they are still in their twenties and dress like they are too! The music was too loud and nine o' clock rolled around and you could see that we were about ready to call it a night, some might say lame, but when you have a toddler you can understand! We had some laughs over a creeper scanning the room for some action and when it didn't happen, he had a great time on the dance floor by himself. The guy had moves we had never seen before! I tried to get Sarah to go and dance with him, but she didn't go for the $5 I offered her! All in all we had such a good time and laughed a lot!!!

Thanks again for a great night ladies!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Learning to Embrace Who I Am Today

In just a few short weeks I will hit the big 27! Twenty seven!! Holy cow, I used to think that was so old. I don't feel old, but then it hits me when I run into former preschool students I taught and they are in mid school! When I was younger I thought I had a plan and knew where my life would be. I was totally wrong. My life now is nothing like the planned life I once dreamed of. I thought for sure I would be teaching young minds, wearing heels, having a toned body, traveling the world during summer break, and falling madly in love with my prince charming (that part actually happened), oh and being a mommy. God knows being a mommy was at the top of that list and I'm proud to say that that actually happened too! My life isn't exactly where I thought it would be, but in so many ways it is better than I could have ever imagined. The last three years of my life have been the best years of my life. For one, I married my best friend and also was blessed with the most amazing gift from God, my little boy.

I chose a new path once my son was born. A path I never thought I would, but one that I am learning to embrace. I chose to put my teaching dream on hold for a bit in order to raise my son and although I miss teaching and financial stability at times, I know it was the best decision I have ever made. Ever since baby wearing heels only happens on special occasions and then I spend the next day complaining. The toned body that I used to complain about (yes the college me used to think I was fat at a stinkin' size 2! Oh to be that 2 again) is gone. Having a baby isn't so easy on bodies! I am critical on myself on a good day so gaining 37lbs was not the greatest experience of my life. I lost all my baby weight fast, but things are NOT the same and some things are not where they used to be! The jiggle isn't so fun either, but I am trying my best to embrace my new size 6 (which I have to keep reminding myself isn't bad at all) curves and not beat myself up for enjoying some sugar or skipping a workout. I read a blog a few days ago that really inspired me. She was talking about body after baby and how she has learned to embrace it. One quote really struck a cord with me "The love handles on my back represent the times I chose to enjoy ice cream with my family". I usually feel guilty for eating dessert, but I love it and believe me dieting Melinda is not a nice person. I would rather enjoy my time and have the damn ice cream every once in a while than miss out on fun times with my boys for fear of an extra pound. Now, I am not saying I'm letting go of all control. Do I want falt abs, yes, but am I going to make myself and my family miserable to get them no. I'll do my best and work hard, but still enjoy my life and view workouts as fun and something I want to do instead of something I am forcing myself to do. There are many times when I look in the mirror and feel disgusted or down on myself. I am trying my best to look at those imperfections and turn them into a positive. When I see the stretch marks on my belly I try to remind myself of the miracle that I grew in my belly. They are proof of what I accomplished and the blessing of life. My surgery scar that is not fading in color (I mean it's purple and gross) is a reminder of the lengths I went to in order bring our next child into the world as safely as possible. My not so perky boobs remind me of the nutrients that my son received for 18 months (now someday those will be fixed. Been saving my change haha).

I have never traveled the world, heck I can count the states I've been to on one hand. I did get to experience the big city this summer and liked it, but prefer good old New Mexico! We may not be world travelers, but my husband knows our state like the back of his hand from all of his years hunting and has taken me to some beautiful places that I didn't even know existed!

My life now is different than the one I dreamed up when I was 18 and will probably be nothing like what I imagine it will be in ten years. I am thankful for the experiences that have made me who I am. I am so happy that my "first love" broke my heart. If he hadn't I would've never met Morgan and wouldn't be watching my baby boy sleep right now. I am happy that I let go and let God lead me down the path that he has. Sometimes I question the path that I am on. Am I making the right choices? Am I good enough? I play the what if game. Sometimes I question God and the path he has sent me on. I question "why me?" But, ultimately I have to embrace the here and now and know it's all part of a bigger plan. I have to let go. I may not be a size two, not everyone will like me, I can't please everyone all the time without making myself crazy in the process, I may not have a ton of money. My clothes isn't the trendyist as I choose to recycle my wardrobe so that I can spend my money on my boy. I am embracing that fact that I have and will make many more mistakes on this motherhood journey. I have decided to be the best me I can for the remainder of 26 and learn to love and embrace myself, mind, body, everything in my 27th year. I need to find my faith again and live my life for God and my family and embrace the journey that is set for me with open arms.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

My Special Date

Morgan has been working crazy hours lately because of very tight deadlines. We haven't seen much of each other in past couple of weeks which has been hard on both of us. My husband has the biggest heart sometimes though. Last Wednesday, after working a 10 hour day, he got a call from a friend who's mom lives with 2 other very elderly women about some electrical problems. One of the ladies was on oxygen so electricity that was iffy was not a good thing. Morgan rushed over and temporarily fixed it until he could get to it the next day. When he got home he surprised me and asked if I wanted to have a picnic date with him and our little man. I of course said yes! I heard him rustling through the fridge and soon we headed out to the perfect spot. We drove for about 45 minutes and were in the middle of nowhere without a soul in sight and looking at an amazing view. I love New Mexico for the simple fact that you don't have to go far to feel alone.  Morgan uses this spot for target practicing and actually took my dad and brother there to shoot when he asked my dad to marry me (gutsy guy, but shows his manly side haha). 

Beautiful view
Morgan fired up the hibachi grill and put steaks on for us! Not bad for a picnic in the middle of nowhere! He grilled me a t-bone and himself an oryx steak. I'm not big on wild game, but it was actually really good!

The little man dined on mac n cheese laced in a little dirt (Morgan saying is "God made dirt, so dirt don't hurt"). I went with it because he seemed to really enjoy it.
Now most people wouldn't think of this a date or even a very good date, but it was the best date I've been on in a very long time. I was with the two people I love the most in this world, eating a delicious meal, and taking in the most beautiful sunset. Watching Tanner chase bugs and copying everything his daddy did was  the best entertainment. Wednesday night was better than any fancy shmancy place Morgan could have taken me.
My two loves! This was actually really high and gave this momma a slight heart attack!
  I love how simple things can mean so much. I love when he surprises me like this and it makes me fall even more in love with him, if that is possible!

Friday, August 3, 2012

Tanner's 2nd Birthday Party

Last weekend we celebrated Tanner's 2nd birthday! Last year we did the huge, invite everyone party. We both have huge families so it was a wedding reception sized event. This year we wanted to keep it a little more low key and less stressful. We had our parents and close friends over for a BBQ and swimming fun for the kiddos! It was perfect!!! We had such a great time and are so blessed to have so many people, family and friends, who love our little boy.

Here are some of the highlights of the day!

I still can't believe my baby is 2!

The party favors and flowers from our garden

The tractor cake and oh my it was good!
We set up a kiddie pool for the little ones and before any of us had time to put actual suits on our kids, they were in. We dubbed it Diaper Derby 2012.  They had a blast and everyone got along!
Hello. Anyone there?

"Gunkle" Tony hanging with the boys!

 Present opening was interesting this year.  Tanner was so excited and wanted to open and start playing with everything right away! The other kiddos were also very excited about helping him open his gifts which was fine with me cause I got a break! Tanner made out like a bandit! He is fully stocked on cars and tractors and even got his favorite movie Cars!


What's in here Braylon!

Morgan had a good time too being the human jungle gym!

This has to be my favorite picture of the day! Braylon pulling a sag! To say he enjoyed himself is an understatment! He is jus too cute!

All in all we had a fabulous day! My son's smile made the whole day even more special! My heart is a little sad as I realize how fast the last two years have gone by! I pray for many, many more special days with my boy! 

Happy Birthday T!

Monday, July 30, 2012

Best Friends

Most kids have something special that they like to carry around, snuggle with, or play with. Most of the time it's a blanket, maybe a stuffed animal, or special toy. Well, my kiddo has a new best friend. It's not a blanket or a stuffie. Nope, it's an old, ugly, made for scaring birds away, OWL! A huge, actual size owl. He found it at my parents house and plays with it while we visit. He takes it for rides in the wheel barrel, on the tractor, and it sits and watches him as he plays in their yard. Well, my dad had the genius idea to bring it to my house for Tanner's bday (ya know best friends must be together on special days).  Tanner carried it around and even put it in the kiddie pool with him. All day Sunday the owl accompanied us in every room, watched Cars, and even sat at the table while we ate dinner. I got up to pee last night and about screamed when I saw it's shadow on the wall. I told Tanner that owl missed living in the country and that we would visit him at Papa's house from now on. Our talk seemed to work until it came time to take owl out of the car.  My son screamed and cried for "fend owl" aka friend owl!  I couldn't bear the thought of the screams all the way home so you guessed it, owl came home with us! I will sneak that thing back down to my dad's, how that will happen is still unknown!  So if you see a kid in a car clutching a huge plastic, realistic looking owl, that would be my kid!

Reunited and it feels so good. .

Saturday, July 21, 2012

All About Me. . .

I saw this on a blog that I read and thought it looked like fun and my little guy is on one of his marathon naps and bordem has set in!

1. How long have you been blogging? And what got you started on blogging? Has your blog changed?
I have been blogging for a little over a year. I started it to document Tanner's life and for friends and family who live away from us to keep up on our happenings! My blog hasn't changed much. It is just a snapshot of my life as a stay at home mom, wife, and everything in between. 
2. Did you go to college? If so where, and what did you study?
I attended the University of New Mexico and studied elementary education and got my minor in history.
3. Where have you traveled?
I wish I could say that we were world travelers, but sadly I am not. I have only been to a handful of places in the good old USofA! Most recently being Chicago which I loved!

4. If you won the lottery, what would be the first thing you would buy?
The first thing I would buy is a house on a few acres in Corrales! I grew up there and miss it so much! It's the perfect combination of country and city! I dream of living on a farm with horses, cows, chickens, like I did growing up. Then I would get Morgan his dream truck and pay off the mortgages/bills of our family members.
5. What are your 3 biggest pet peeves?
* A dirty house! I hate when my house is dirty and it is happening a lot more often with a toddler living here!
* Mail on the kitchen counter! Put the crap away (Morgan)!
* People who either don't use blinkers or who keep them on for miles! Guess I'm not happy either way haha!
6. What is your favorite movie?
The Notebook
7. What is your drink of choice; wine, beer, or liquor. Or Water, Soda, Tea?
I wish I could say water, but I love tea! Then it would be coke. I'm trying with the water thing though!
8. What is something you enjoy to do when you have me time?
I love driving with the music turned up with no where to go!
9. If you could have a $10,000 shopping spree to one store, which store would it be?
Dillards! They have my favorite makeup, amazing shoes, and the dress I've been dreaming of/saving for. Not to mention new purses and cute things for the kiddo.
10. Share with us an embarrassing moment of your past? Or present.
Ugh, I still have issues with this one. When I was having my tvc (cerix sewn shut) when I was 20 weeks pregnant I saw the hottest doctor! I told my hubby that he was my Mcdreamy! Well surgery started and my legs were pulled up and I looked like a rotissore chicken. When surgery was done and curtain came down guess who was standing and watching? Yup, Mcdreamy! Come to find out he was a resident and our hospital has to be a darn teaching one! I was mortified and hoping I had groomed well enough!
11. What day would you love to relive again?
Definitely my wedding day. Everything is a blur. It was so beautiful, but I wish I could have just taken it in a bit more. One thing I wish I could go back and do is taking a picture with my Mema who we lost a year after our wedding. I don't have a picture with her and that breaks my heart.

12. If your life was turned into a movie...what actor would play you?
Mila Kunis. Wishful thinking mainly because I wish I looked like her!
13. What are the jobs you had in high school/college/the early years?
I always pretty much knew I wanted to be a teacher, so my senior year I began working at a preschool and stayed there until my last semester of college when I had to student teach full time.
14. Show us a picture from high school or college.

This was sometime in colleg during our Vegas spring break trip with Erin, Rissa, and their guys (now hubbies)!
 15. If you could travel anywhere in the world, all expenses paid, where would you go?
I've always wanted to see Italy, especially the Vatacan. If I had my pre baby body and no stretch marks, I would love to go to on  beach vacation, maybe Bora Bora, or The Virgin Islands?
16. Show us the most current picture of you or you, or your family, or anything of meaning to you
This is the most recent of me and the hubs enjoying sunny Chicago.
This is old, but my most memorable picture!

And my favorite family pic!
17. Where do you see your life five years from now?
I hope to be more financilly stable, maybe have a part time job and Morgan being able to become a contractor like he has wanted to be for a while. Hopefully maybe have one or two more kiddos running around, and a couple new cars, maybe a bigger house wouldn't hurt. Most of all I just hope we are happy and have our health and our families by our side.