Saturday, May 28, 2011

Gaga for 10 Months!

I have a 10 month old! Yikes! I can't believe how fast my little dude is growing up! Each new stage brings so much joy, fun, and sometimes hair pulling (literally)! Tanner is becoming very independent in some things, but is very attached to his mama! He is very spoiled (by everyone) and hates to be more than an arms reach away from me! This is hard, especially when the house is totaled or I would like to go pee! I keep reminding myself that I will miss these tender moments when he is a teen, but know that I have to start cutting the cord before I return to work in October (which I am dreading lol)!

What's happening in month 10:
*Tan is trying to crawl, but he prefers rolling
*Has 4 teeth and looks pretty funny
*Thinks biting is funny and thinks getting in trouble for it is freakin HILARIOUS (I'm gonna have my hands full with this guy)
*Got a big boy carseat and of course the only one that fits in my stupid car is the most expensive one at the store! Big thanks to daddy for working a side job so we could get it!
*Can say dad, dadee (daisy), and awa (water)
*Has discovered the art of being mean to girls, which really means he likes them (hair pulling incident of 2011, sorry Audrey)
*Loves being outside and pulling the tops off of my flowers in the yard
*Loves eating big people food! His fav is mac n' cheese, chicken, and any kind of bread!
*Loves Lady Gaga (daddy calls her Lady Goo Goo) and goes nuts when her music comes on! And totally freaks if he sees her on tv (DO NOT know where he got this from cause we listen to country all the time)
*Loves spending time away from mommy with his grand parents
*Loves to drive in his NASCAR (fisher price car) all day around our house
*Is getting tan lines in his fat rolls!

I am loving every moment with my kiddo! Even the sleepless nights and screaming fits when I put him down. He is my everything and I can't wait to spend the rest of my life in total awe of him! I can't believe in only 2 short months I will be celebrating his 1st birthday! Crazy!!! I guess I better get started planning his big day!
Woohoo  I love this song!

She's funny mom!

1 comment:

  1. That is so funny that he loves Lady Gaga! And I guess we can forgive him for Hairgate!! :o)
