Sunday, August 7, 2011

Our Little Helper

My son, the kid with a million toys, refuses to play with any of them! Tanner is very in to "real" things that he sees me and his daddy using. Lately, Tanner has been very into cleaning! Yay for me, not so much for the dogs. He has discovered wiping down his tray after he eats, everyone else's face, but his own, and washing Otis's (one of our many dogs) face while Tanner is taking a bath. He is also loves using cleaning tools! The feather duster is the best invention EVER! He like the vacuum until we had a slight mommy running over his finger accident, and I repeat ACCIDENT! (You will be happy to know he got me back for this unfortunate event just keep reading. . .)
This thing is awesome! No more dust!

This bumbo is filthy! Sheesh, mom never cleans!

He loves dusting his toys, but still prefers the dogs! He army crawls on my floors and sweeps for me (such a good boy) and this past week he has discovered the fascinating world of laundry! He "helps" me put clothes in the dryer (more so he pulls them out as soon as I put them in), he loves demolishing folding clothes!
missing the basket

Serious laundry man!

I am not immune to the helping child. He actually loves working with his daddy and it is some of the more tender moments that melt my heart. Before Tan's party we had some home improvement to get done. A few walls needed touch ups and our bathroom door never closed right. As I was  walking down the hall I got a glimpse of Tan and his daddy discussing how to fix the door and snapped one of my favorite pics    
hmmmm. . . . this is hard work I think we need a cold one!

Last night I decided to bake (big no, no when your alone with a crazy one year old in the house). As I was mixing my muffins I turn around to see every skillet I own, spoons, and pans all over the kitchen and Tanner is so cleverly mixing imaginary food for the dogs in Walker's bowl! Cute, but not when he decides to smash your foot with a skillet!
Asking Daisy what she would like for dinner (this was taken before toe smashing incident of 2011)
  Long story short, my muffins sucked (forgot the baking soda, as I was more concerned with my throbbing toe so forgot one key ingredient) so the puppies get muffins for every meal for the next week!
Cleaning is hard work! 

So, I think I am training this boy pretty good, he likes cooking, cleaning, and fixing things. Let's just hope he is this willing to help when he is sixteen!


  1. I love having a little helper too! Audrey actually does push the wet clothes in the dryer. Maybe she can teach Tanner how to do that! Dishwasher emptying is fun stuff too!! Love our little helper babies!!

  2. send tan over to my house... it could use a good cleaning!!!
