Tuesday, June 28, 2011

11 Month Inch Worm Pointer and Babbles

11 months has brought so much change in Tanner's world! He went from being my lazy kid totally not interested in crawling or having to move to get the things he wanted, to squirming like an inch worm ALL OVER the house! He has discovered pulling up on furniture, falling, and giving this poor mama multiple heart attacks! He has discovered the doggie door so if I ever can't find him I need to look outside! He thinks the dogs going in and out is HILARIOUS! The dogs aren't liking his new found mobility much so even in this extereme heat the prefer to be outside and Tanner enjoys teasing them through the window!
I'm gonna get you!

Along with the new mobility, Tanner has become very vocal! He is definitely a very curious kid and now enjoys pointing at objects and babbling! The teacher in me worries that he will point forever instead of talk so I make sure to say the word for each object he points at! Today he saw a picture on the wall (that has been there his whole life) of his daddy and our dog Walker. He pointed at the picture and screamed "Dadda"! This is the first time he has related what he is pointing to with an actual word! It melted my heart and all day as we passed the picture he yelled for his "Dadda"! I know I am going to have a "why" kid and the kid who loves to play 20 questions! Not that our house has ever been quiet, but now it never really will be the same!
Pointing and talking with daddy!

Other 11 month highlights:

*Baby food is getting lame and big people food is way cooler!
*Tanner now wears 12 month clothing
*Size 3 diaper
*Has 5 teeth, 3 on bottom, 2 vampire teeth on top!
*Is in love with swimming (and so is mom cause pool day naps are the best!)
*Tanner still DOESN'T sleep! He is usually up 2-3 times to nurse, but has learned to just pull up my shirt and roll back over when he is done
*Has made some really cool baby friends and is working on being nicer to them
*Is really clingy and hates if I walk more than a foot away
*Is a huge flirt and loves older ladies
Hey Baby!

Swimming is cool!

napping at the pool is even better!

getting wet with daddy at the zoo!

11 month picture with mommy!

this is my peach! Stay back!

Taking after mama! Maybe a future teacher, but Daisy isn't the best student!

Over all like I always say, he is the best thing that has ever happened to me! I love being a mommy (even through all of the sleepless nights, stretch marks,and jiggles that didn't used to be there) and would give my life for this boy! I have never been so in love and am having a hard time believing that in one month my baby will be a year old! This has been the best 11 months of my life! Happy 11 months booger! Mama loves you!


  1. I can't believe next month he'll be a year!! So crazy! Audrey already misses him!

  2. he is just the most adorable boy ever! and he has a soul mate in non sleeping and attatchment mommy issues in Annabelle! :)
