Thursday, January 20, 2011

Battle of the Bottle

Well it's offical, Tanner is a pain in the butt!  Tanner has been a very picky eater from the time he was born.  In the NICU the nurses practically had to force feed the kid (actually they did, he got a feeding tube).  When he got home he decided he loved mama's milk, but only from a bottle.  So for five and a half months I pumped for the booger and fed him out of the bottle.  Now all of a sudden the kid "learned" how to breastfeed and has decided he likes his milk fresh of the tap.  I'm excited cause I  hate having to plug myself into a pump every four hours, but now the booger won't drink from a bottle and frankly I am exhausted! It was nice having grandma or my hubby feed him once in a while!I have a feeling just when we get completely comfortable with bfeeding, he will again switch back to only wanting a bottle!  At least I know he is getting enought to eat, the proof is in his thunder thighs, triple chin, cankles, and wrist flaps!  I love my little fatty pants!!!
Tanner showing off his curves with his bff Otis! 


  1. Love your description of Tanner...yay for fatty pants!!

  2. haha! you are so funny, he is a cute little "fatty pants"
