Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Chicago. . .The Not So Fun Days

Thursday morning was surgery day. We got up super early, jumped on the "L" and headed down to the University of Chicago Medical Center to meet this guy. I didn't take a picture with him because Melinda with no make up at 7 am isn't the prettiest!  I am so blessed to have found Dr. Haney. He is the most awesome Dr. I have ever met. He was kind, compassionate, treated us like real people, and is a miracle worker for so many women.

Dr. Haney specializes in the Transabdominal Cerclage (TAC) procedure that gives women who have been diagnosed with Incompetent Cervix (IC) a chance at carrying their babies to term.  He is so passionate about his work and truly cares about his patients. I have emailed and called this man so many times and he always gets back to me the same day. I wish there were more doctors out there like him.

When we got to the hospital I was taken back to a curtained off area with others who were having surgery. I had my IV inserted (ouch), took a pregnancy test and prayed it was negative so I wouldn't have to reschedule surgery, put on my fashionable gown and waited to talk with Dr. H and his residents. His team was awesome and every member came in to say hello. I kissed Morgan goodbye and walked down the hall to the operating room. It was scary. It looked a lot like Grey's Anatomy and my anesthesiologist was actually pretty darn cute! I remember sitting up getting ready for my spinal and then remember leaning and the resident saying Whoa! She's already out! That's it! Next thing I know I am in recovery feeling really drowsy. They showed me my pain pump and I clutched that thing for dear life. I soon got transported to my room and started feeling really yucky so I just kept hitting my pain pump every 8 minutes like they told me to. Come to find out later, that would be the worst decision EVER! Apparently I cannot tolerate drugs, so I spent the remainder of Thursday and most of Friday morning puking my guts up, which really hurts after you have abdominal surgery!!!

Dr. H came in to check on me and of course I almost puke on the guy. Super embarrassing, but hey what can you do. He gave me a fast drip IV to try and flush the morphine out of my system and told me to not even try to eat until morning. He talked to me, about post op stuff, but honestly I only remember throwing up. He talked to Morgan for a while and explained that my cervical length was great, but I am missing the organ (sphincter) at the top which closes shut after conception to keep from dilating and causing per term labor. He also had to remove a small cyst on my right ovary, but said everything else looked great and that I should have no problem getting pregnant in the future and staying pregnant!  By mid day Friday I started feeling a little bit better, but then it was time to walk. Getting up for the first time was excruciating!!! I have never felt pain like that. It made childbirth look easy and now I am terrified of my C-section I will have to have one day. I couldn't walk much because I was so dizzy from the meds, but in order to be discharged I had to walk and hold down a little food. Oh, and pee. Which proved to be difficult after your body has relied on a catheter for two days!

When I got the okay to get out of the hospital we were wheeled down to the exit, jumped (or shuffled like an 80 year old) in a taxi and headed to the hotel. The taxi ride was not fun and I was just praying I wouldn't puke in the poor guys car! Walking from the hotel entrance to the room was again excruciating and knowing that i would have to get up and walk every hour was not something I was looking forward to! Morgan was great and made me walk even though I didn't want to. It helped and each step I took got easier and a little less painful. I don't remember much of Friday night, but I knew all I wanted to do was see my precious little boy Saturday. Saturday morning came and we again made our way to a taxi and then to the airport. All I can say is being in a wheelchair at an airport is AMAZING!! I got to bypass all the security and check in lines and got to board the plane first! The flight was miserable. I was still super dizzy and the turbulence really didn't help.

The best part was driving up to my parents and seeing Tanner's face when he saw me. He was so happy, but a little freaked out about the way I walked.  He is having some trouble remembering to be gentle with mommy's ouchie, but we are working on it. If he wasn't such a rowdy boy it would be easier!

We are now day 5 post surgery and I am feeling okay. I am still sore, but as long as I stay ahead of the pain with my meds I am good. I am walking less like a hunched back 85 year old, but the swelling in my stomach is not pretty. I pretty much look like I am 5 months pregnant and hoping it will go down soon. Dr. H's colleague is doing a study on ovarian cancer and asked for a fat sample from healthy women to compare in his research! I gave my full permission and told them to feel free to take as much as they wanted. The downside was a little more soreness, but hey some fat is gone hallelujah! My scar is tiny, but very tender. I am having a weird burning pain on the left side of my incision, but according to doctor its completely normal and just my nerves regenerating.  I coughed yesterday and I cried. Laughing hurts so Morgan and Tanner are on strict orders not to be funny!  Warning TMI: I am having trouble in the bathroom department ie pooping! Haven't gone in 5 days and it hurts. I spent about an hour in the bathroom last night and nada! I guess it will come when it's ready, but ouch!

I know this is a crazy long post, but I have to thank one more person. My husband has been so amazing during this entire journey. He has been my shoulder to cry on and my rock. He has kept me positive and made the scary journey to Chicago as enjoyable as possible. You know you married the perfect person when you can look your worst and he still loves you. When you can joke about not pooping for 5 days and he sits outside of the bathroom giving you advice on how to get it out! He has taken over with Tanner to let me rest and I am so thankful for that. He is a great daddy and an amazing partner! I couldn't have done this without him!

Now I am just looking forward to getting back to "normal". I am missing running so much! I can't wait to work out and Dr. H said I will have no restrictions in a couple more days!!! I can't wait to drive myself around and to be done with these awful pain meds! Each day has gotten so much better and I just can't wait to see what the future holds with my new bionic cervix!!

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