Wednesday, December 14, 2011


Well my poor baby boy had some type of weird allergic reaction to, well we aren't exactly sure. It started Monday night with a few bumps on his arm. I wasn't alarmed and thought maybe his shirt was rubbing weird. The next day he had them on his butt and legs, but they faded fast. Well, Tuesday after his afternoon bottle the poor boys face was covered in mosquito like bumps from under his eyes to his neck! I freaked, ran for the benadryl and called the nurse hot-line. After my hubby calmed me (basically calling me crazy) I gave him a bath and he seemed fine. Well then this morning came along and his poor booty was covered again and his face looked swollen. I decided to bite the dust and pay the $40 copay and make a visit to good old Dr. Walsh. She seems to think that changing brands of milk or eating goldfish crackers (wheat?) could be the culprit. So now we are going to go back to our old stand by Creamland milk and will be using my new best friend Benadryl for the next few days. I should have taken some pics, but I'm sure little man would hate me for it when he's a moody teenager!  Hoping I have a welty free kid tomorrow!

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