Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Another Year in the Books

Today marks three years of marriage for Morgan and I. Three years of laughter, tears, smiles, grouchiness (mostly on my part), decisions, and most of all lots of memories! The last three years have not been all rainbows and butterflies, but I can honestly say that I married an amazing man. He is so kind and will do anything for his family. I am one lucky girl and I am so blessed with the life I have.

To celebrate our three whole years, we dropped the little man off with Papa and Mama and headed out for a nice quiet dinner. I haven't had sushi since Morgan broke it to me that those orange things weren't really finely chopped carrots! I decided to be brave and try it once again. I really loved it in the past, but my mind kept getting in the way of trying it again. We headed over to a little resturant named Ichiban. We ordered a few different rolls (my fav was the shrimp tempura roll, minus the eggs) and the New Mexico roll (basically a chili relleno wrapped in seaweed). I am chopstick incompetent and the waitress took forever to bring a fork so I decided to be all kinds of classy and just use my hands, reminding my husband that he married me for better or worse! 

kind of dark, but it's a beautiful coral color
We finished off our evening by stopping by Bootbarn to look at boots for our little man. We are doing family pics in a couple of weeks and I want Tanner to match his daddy. While we were there I found the necklace I have been looking for for months! My hubby made my day by getting it for me and I cannot wait to wear it for our pictures. It is so pretty and just perfect.

And we found Tanner the perfect boots, but needed the booger there to try them on! Guess we will make another trip this weekend.

I am so blessed and thankful that I found a partner and a best friend! We may not always like each other, but I will always love this man with my whole heart! Here's to many more years and lots of memories! 

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Long Time, No Blog. . .

It feels like forever since I have written a blog entry. We have been so busy lately and the terrible two's are in full force around here. Any chance I have to myself I use to decompress in the tub or with some mind numbing form of reality tv. To say I am exhausted in an understatement! The last few weeks have been filled with laughter, adventure, some tears (mostly from Tan, but some from me because of Tan), firsts, visits from great old friends and wedded bliss! I love this time of year and try to get out as much as possible before the cold weather comes. You are about to be photo bombed with some of the things that have kept us so busy the last few weeks! Enjoy!


We started off October with the Balloon Fiesta! My dad was able to get tickets from work this year and we got the VIP treatment. Free food, great parking, and free admission. Morgan couldn't make it this year, so I went with my parents, Tanner, and my Grandma aka "Mama Nene".  We had such a great time and I was so happy to have been able to share it with my grandma and my sweet little boy.
We also got to visit with one of my great friends from college, her husband and two adorable kiddos. I have missed Erin so much and seeing her made me wish she didn't live so far away. Tanner and her son Cameron got along so good and her beautiful daughter Evie, made the baby fever I've been suffering from hit an all time high!!  I wish I would've gotten pictures of all the kiddos together!

Tanner and I have been hitting up "Toddler Time" at the Corrales Library. I am trying to get him around more kids his age and this has been really fun for both of us! He has met some new friends and I have met some new mommy friends as well! We both really look forward to Wednesday mornings! Oh, and Tanner has totally grasped the concept of checking out books! He thinks it's the coolest thing ever to get new books every week!

Every year since Tanner has been born we have gone to a local pumpkin patch. It's great because it's free and money goes to a great cause. We have taken a family picture there every year so I am so excited to do one this year. Getting daddy there is the issue. The man works so hard at work and when he comes home there is always a project waiting (my honey do list of pintrest projects is getting out of hand, but he is such a good sport).  We made it to the patch this year with my mother in law, sis in law, and my niece Gemma.  The kiddos had a blast and my inlaws were in pumpkin heaven!!

Since the weather has been so nice lately, we have been going out as much as possible. Every week we meet up with my sister in law and Gemma to feed the ducks at Tingly Beach. It's not really a beach, mostly fishing ponds, but it is a lot of fun. There are tons of ducks and geese that scare the living crap out of me! Last week Gemma was not feeling it so they had to leave, but Tan and I decided to head over to the aquarium and botanical gardens. It was really nice spending time with him just the two of us. We looked at fish (aka "tish" and "sharps" sharks) and then went for a walk looking at all of the plants. It is kind of sad when all the flowers stop blooming and the trees begin to lose their leaves, but makes for good conversation about what colors things are. We had a great time together and I am hoping to take him a few more times before everything dies.

They have already started setting up for the river of lights
and this was Tanner's favorite!

Finally for our "first". . . Tanner caught his first fish!!!! Morgan decided he and Tan needed a boys day and headed down to the river for some catfishing.  I was more than happy for that boys day because my mommy and I needed a shopping day desperately!!  I got a call from Morgan saying I better get ready cause we were having catfish for dinner (yuck)!   Tanner was so proud of his fish that they had to keep because it swallowed the hook.  He was a little freaked out with the "whiskers", but still talks about his fish from the agua!
Tan and I have also been trying to get our butts in gear and run everyday. We usually run at a park, but going in a circle has gotten a bit boring. We decided to head down to the bosque and on Monday we were joined by my aunt. She doesn't run so we walked, VERY fast! That lady kicked my butt! I don't know why walking fast is so much harder for me than running, but it is!!! It was so beautiful on our walk and with a view like the one below, how can you not smile!

And FINALLY, last weekend we got to see my cousin marry her Prince Charming!!! It was such a fun, laid back wedding! She looked amazing and was the happiest I have ever seen her! The food was delicious and my little ladies man was in heaven with all the little girls to flirt with!!
He likes them older!

The music was great and they played almost all of Tan's favorites! The boy danced non stop!! He was so excited to dance with the bride! 

When we had to leave he threw the biggest, laying on the ground kicking and screaming fit!!! He hadn't napped all day and had eaten way too much cake and giving a two year old seven up was the dumbest idea I have had in a long time!  The ride home was NOT fun and neither was the "I'm never going to sleep again" rest of the night we had! He was on a sugar detox all of Sunday!!

Our weeks have been crazy busy, but oh so much fun! I am really loving this age (minus the tantrums and the mindset of my way or the highway). We are trying to figure the whole terrible two's out, but from what I've seen it could be worse and I am pretty lucky with the kiddo I have.

I love spending my days with this little cutie! I cannot wait to see what adventures and fun we will have the rest of the month! I am so excited for the next couple of weeks! Halloween and our Anniversary. I cannot believe October is almost over! Where has the time gone?